Dear all,
Which software and configuration would you indicate for the following setting:
- I do have a Fieldwork project on a language where I gloss texts and build a dictionary on the way and to which I want to add the results of word collection by community members
- there will be, for the time being, no larger dictionary or rapid word collection workshops
- rather, I will provide one community member with a laptop and he will occasionally do small word collection sessions on his own or with some few other speakers (mostly offline)
- the working language is Portuguese (this includes the semantic fields and stimulus questions)
- It would be ideal to be able to collect more than one form per lexical entry so as to determine word and inflection class membership; just one citation form may be ambiguous
- The community member should be able to either upload the latest version easily or save it in a format that can be sent by email or uploaded on some cloud drive (or to The Language Depot, if that is not too technical)
- Being able to add audio recordings of citation forms (and, in a second step, sample sentences) would be great
- Version control is another issue – when integrating results in FLEx, one does not want to create lots of doubled entries…
I understand that WeSay would have been an appropriate too, but it is outdated (inactive for more than 5 years); also, I was not able to install a Portuguese version of WeSay.
Browsing through the software catalogues at SIL, my guess is that nowadays “The Combine” may be the most appropriate tool, but does it meet the requirements (Portuguese version for elicitation, ideally also interface, offline use, possibly providing more than one word form).
Or is there another tool, ideally compatible with FLEx, out there that would meet the requirements? I am open to third-party software if there are possible paths to integrate the results into the FLEx database without copying-and-pasting individual data fields.
Thanks in advance for your advice!
1 post - 1 participant