Currently in Bloom, we can choose to have some text in a text box in bold or italics, but not the whole text, so that can enable us to have a heading or other special text.
I am working on the Look, Listen, Live books for device, and in the text box, it has a heading, a Bible reference, and then the story. I would like the heading and the Bible reference to be left aligned with NO indent, but I would like the story text to have a paragraph indent. However, if I select the left alignment with indent option, then the heading and the Bible reference also have the indent.
I would like to be able to have a separate paragraph formatting for the heading and Bible reference, and a different paragraph format for the story text - all within the one text box. Is this something that the Bloom software team could make possible?
Currently one way to overcome this is to have the heading and Bible reference in a separate text box with its own formatting. However, these stories are longer than the text box and require scrolling, so when the heading and Bible reference are at the top in a separate text box, they always stay on the page and don’t scroll up. It would be ideal if they could be in the same text box, with different formatting, so that they would also go up and out of sight when scrolling through the rest of the story.
I have attached two images as examples - one with how the formatting affects the whole text box, and one with a separate text box for the heading and Bible reference.
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