I have Windows 11 and Use Keyman Desktop on my desktop PC v16.0.144.
I use IAST and Sanskrit Keyboard Layouts.
Whenever I type using IAST keyboard, the default font which is Calibri (body font) changes to Iskoola Pota.
I have tried to change the default font from Design → Fonts and create a Custom Font with all four fonts including Complex Script from Iskoola Pota to Calibri or Calibri Light for headings.
Restarted MS word and still getting the same issue. Every time, I have to manually change the font. Sometimes even a letter in between the word or in the beginning of the word if added later on due to spell correction like Ā or ś instead of A or s results in change of font to Iskoola Pota.
How can I fix this issue.
Thanks again.
White Lotus
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