Cross-posting Keyman “Invalid ‘version’ command” and other warnings/errors, how to fix? from StackOverflow, doesn’t look like there is much activity on SO regarding keyman.
Getting this:
tone.kmn:11 - warn KM02084: There are too many characters in the keystroke part of the rule.
Also for completeness, I am getting this error at the end of this:
fntsy.kmn - error KM07003: Invalid touch layout file: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'c', "c Tone Tex"... is not valid JSON
At the end of this:
c Tone Text Keyboard
store(&VERSION) '17.0'
store(&NAME) 'Tone Text'
store(&BITMAP) 'tone.ico'
store(&LAYOUTFILE) 'tone.kmn'
store(&TARGETS) 'windows macosx linux web'
begin Unicode > use(main)
group(main) using keys
+ 'I$&--@' [K_TAB] > 'I%9440005' c Mapping for the 'I$&--@_^' key, the vowel i with stress, lengthening, tense, stress, nasalization and extra low tone
4 posts - 3 participants