As it is explained on this post CSS Tweaks not reflecting in App - #3 by Matthew_Lee it is very painful to update CSS on XHTML projects.
In my case I have all the updated CSS code on a separate file that I need to re-add to the APPDEF file after a lexicon is updated. And all new code is added manually on the APPDEF with it’s own difficult format that is very different than html CSS format.
Example APPDEF format:
<style name=".entry> .senses> .sensecontent> .sense> .exemplar> span:first-child:before" category="imported">
<style-decl property="content" value="'['"/>
Example of the same on HTML CSS format:
.entry> .senses > .sensecontent > .sense> .exemplar> span:first-child:before{
Is this easy/possible to accomplish?
Thank you very much for the great work already done!
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