I have three layers in my keyboard: default, shift, and caps. I can navigate between them just fine, but the output of the caps layer is lowercase.
My code:
- [K_G] > ‘ng’
- [SHIFT K_G] > ‘Ng’
- [CAPS K_G] > ‘NG’
When I type the [K_G] key in the shift layer, I get ‘Ng’, but I get lowercase ‘ng’ for both default and caps. This happens with both ‘(current layer)’ and ‘caps’ as the modifier for [K_G] in the caps layer.
If I change the modifier to ‘rightalt’, and put the code
- [RALT K_G] > ‘NG’
then I do get ‘NG’ in the output, so it seems to be specific to the caps layer/modifier.
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