Hello there, I really do hope that I am not repeating a closed case but I could not find anything similar. I am using the Schehrazade New font and replaced the glyphs of the latin letters with their arabic equivalent - as in when you type an “A” on the keyboard an arabic “ا” appears for “B” → “ب” and so on.
The originally latin letters which are now arabic do appear from left to right though, which is the issue I am trying to change. The original code line which I think dictates the direction of the letters is the following:
Lookup: 1 8 0 "'rtlm' Rechts nach links gespiegelte Formen Nachschlagetabelle 0" { "'rtlm' Rechts nach links gespiegelte Formen Nachschlagetabelle 0 Subtabelle" } ['rtlm' ('arab' <'KIR ' 'KUR ' 'RHG ' 'SND ' 'URD ' 'WLF ' 'dflt' > 'latn' <'dflt' > ) ]
I tried to change it several times to for example:
Lookup: 1 8 0 "'rtlm' Rechts nach links gespiegelte Formen Nachschlagetabelle 0" { "'rtlm' Rechts nach links gespiegelte Formen Nachschlagetabelle 0 Subtabelle" } ['rtlm' ('arab' <'KIR ' 'KUR ' 'RHG ' 'SND ' 'URD ' 'WLF ' 'dflt' 'latn' > ) ]
Lookup: 1 8 0 "'rtlm' Rechts nach links gespiegelte Formen Nachschlagetabelle 0" { "'rtlm' Rechts nach links gespiegelte Formen Nachschlagetabelle 0 Subtabelle" } ['rtlm' ('arab' 'dflt' 'latn' <'KIR ' 'KUR ' 'RHG ' 'SND ' 'URD ' 'WLF ' > ) ]
but unfortunately nothing seems to be working. I would appreciate your help on this very much!
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